Tag Archives: Sage X3 Blogs

Identifying Your Customer in Sage X3

Customer relation  in business includes various factors to streamline the process including business partner details. And to achieve this various details about customer business and their various location and company sites , contact details, description etc. Thankfully the Sage X3 has a new function involved  under customer relations named Identify. To navigate to this screen… Read More »

How to enable prepayment option in Sales order in Sage X3

Prepayments are amounts paid by a customer in advance of the goods or services being received later on. Any payment made in advance can be considered a prepayment. Prepayment of an order takes place when a seller receives a form of payment from the customer at the time of order entry. Many types of prepayments are… Read More »

How to resolve ‘The order was not converted No supplier’s error message while creating a back-to-back order against the sales order in Sage X3

In Sage X3, a back-to-back order refers to a specific procurement and sales process where a sales order is created directly from a purchase order to fulfil a customer’s demand for a particular product. This method is commonly employed when a company receives a customer order for an item that it doesn’t currently have in… Read More »

How can we add new fields to the Inquiries screen without using standard lecture code

In Sage X3, the inquiries screen refers to a user interface where users can view and analyze data stored in the system. This screen typically provides a way for users to query and retrieve information about various aspects of the business, such as sales orders, purchase orders, inventory levels, customer information, supplier information, and financial… Read More »

Feature: Use of Supersession/Substitution product field on Product master in Sage X3

Introduction: As we know, business processes like sales, manufacturing, and logistics, require a functionality where you can substitute one product with another. In Sage X3, there is a concept of supersession product or substitute product. The name substitute refers to a product or service that consumers see as essentially the same or similar-enough to another product.… Read More »

Adding controls to fields in Sage X3

One more feature of Sage X3 that frequently gets overlooked is the capability of adding controls to a specific field within the system without requiring knowledge of the 4GL language, which is Sage X3’s exclusive coding language. After realizing that they were continuously using the control action to add custom logic to standard or custom… Read More »

How to grant access to the Data Models in SEI

In this blog, we’ll explore the step-by-step process to grant access to the data model in sage enterprise intelligence (SEI). This option is used to grant access to the Data Models, to groups or users. There are three different ways of adding authorization to a Data Model and you can toggle from one to the… Read More »

Dashboard Filtering in Sage Enterprise Intelligence(SEI)

One of the most valuable features within SEI is dashboard filtering, a dynamic function that allows users to customize their data views to meet specific analytical needs. Dashboard filtering in SEI for SAGE X3 provides users with the flexibility to focus on the most relevant data, thereby transforming vast datasets into actionable insights. Whether you… Read More »

How to Setup and Control Sales Rep Access in Sage X3

In the competitive world of sales, having up-to-date sales data is crucial for sales representatives. Equally important is maintaining strict control over which accounts each rep can access. Sage X3 provides a straightforward solution to manage user access while ensuring that reps can still handle transactions related to their assigned accounts. This article delves into… Read More »

Folder SVG extraction in Sage X3

Data extraction is the process of retrieving data out of data sources for further data processing or data storage (data migration). In Sage X3, there folder which consists of this data backup is called as “SVG”. This folder is available in the below-mentioned path: Sage X3 Installation Folder> \<Folder Name>\ SVG To carry out the process of data… Read More »