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Save Time with Sage X3 Multi-Company Period Opening

Save Time with Sage X3 Multi-Company Period Opening

Save Time with Sage X3 Multi-Company Period Opening

Save Time with Sage X3 Multi-Company Period Opening

Multi-company period opening (TRTPERMC) is found under Common data – General accounting tables. With Multi-company period opening, you no longer have to open periods for one company at a time, deselecting or selecting individual periods. This new function allows you to open all companies and their ledgers or a selected range or companies. You can open all periods or just through a specific period. You have the option to run this on demand or on a schedule.
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NA20 has fiscal year open through 2022 for Ledger types Ledger, Analytical, IAS and Group. Periods are open through 12/2022.
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Company NA10 has fiscal years through 2023 open with only Ledger type Ledger. Periods are open through 12/20.
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Now on to the Multi-company period opening (TRTPERMC) function. We can select All Companies, Group or a range of companies. We have the option to select one or all Ledger Types and a Period date until. For this example, we will select From company NA10 To company NA20, all the Ledger Types and the Period date until of 9/30/22.

Note: we selected all Ledger types, but NA10 only has Ledger. For the Period date until of 11/30/23, NA20 only has years open through 2021.

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The Log shows that all the periods were opened for NA10. It also lets us know that there were not Analytical, IAS or Group ledgers for this company.

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For company NA20, the Log lets us know that periods in 2024 can’t be opened because the year hasn’t been opened yet.

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Greytrix Middle East Subsidiary of Greytrix India Pvt Ltd, Headquartered in Mumbai. It is a leading Sage business partner and ISV Partner offering Consulting, Implementation, and development services for Sage X3, Sage 300 People (HRMS), and Sage Intacct, which covers Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar region.

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