How to set up commission rate in Sales Commission Module.

By | September 22, 2021

In Sage X3, commission module provides enhancement of existing commission feature of Sage X3. It helps in overcoming challenges such as accuracy in sales commission calculation, timely payment to sales representatives, track of commissions of sales representatives, etc.

In this blog we will learn how to setup commission rate for different combinations such as customer category, product category, sales site, shipment site, state group, etc. in sales commission module.

Navigate to All -> Commission -> Setup -> Commission rate setup

Below screen will appear.


The commission rate setup screen contains fields such as State group code, sales site, customer category, product category, shipment site, commission calculation method, commission base, range and commission. The commission can be set for multiple combinations of sales site, shipment site, state group, customer category and product category where customer category and product category are mandatory fields.

Consider an example of customer category and product category combination for commission rate setup such that “US” as Customer category and “BMSOL” as product category, “Flat” as Commission Calculation Method, “Net Price” as Commission Base. The commission rate setup screen provides an option to select commission in single range as well as multiple ranges. If the “Range” checkbox is ticked a pop up screen appears for adding multiple ranges for different combinations.

After clicking on “OK”, the range will be added in the grid and first range will be visible to the user.

If the “Range” checkbox not selected, then the user can enter direct commission value as shown below.

Click on “Save” button to save the record.

Also, this range screen can be accessed from the left action button in the grid as “Edit Range” button so that user can edit the already entered range as shown in above figure.

The commission will be calculated on the above setup in sales order and sales invoice transactions.

Consider a sales order transaction for the above customer category and product category commission rate setup.

Navigate to All-> Sales -> Orders -> Select a transaction and create a sales order.

After selecting the customer, sales group code gets automatically populated in header from the Customer screen itself.

Here, in the line section the customer is “NA001” which is of “US” customer category and Products “BMS001” and “DIS001” are of product categories “BMSOL” and “DISTR” respectively. After passing the first line, the system.

checks whether commission is defined for the combination of entered customer category, product category, sales site, shipment site, state group, etc. If setup is present, then the “Commission Flat Amt” field will get field automatically filled as per setup if “Commission Cal. Method” is set “Flat” otherwise, if set as “Percent” then “Commission Rate” field will get filled in Line section of transaction.

As per commission rate setup above the first line falls in third range defined in commission range screen i.e. “15” and the second line will be given direct commission value i.e. “200” as defined in commission rate setup screen.

By using above steps we can we can setup commission rate for customer category and product category in sales commission module and similarly it can be done for sales sites, shipment site as well as state group combinations for both sales order and sales invoice transactions.

This blog helps us in creating a setup for commission rate in Sales Commission Module of Sage X3.