Sage X3 has a feature of BP net settlement, with the help of this feature we can settle open items like open invoices, unapplied prepayment, credit memos and debit memos against suppliers & customers.
One of our client tried to create BP net settlement against one vendor but an error occurred as shown in the below screenshot:
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This error occurred because the screens BPOINET & BPOINET3 having a grid length of 501 as shown in the below screenshot and transactions against the vendor which is selected for for BP net settlement is exceeding that length.

To solve the above error, we have to follow below steps:
- Launch Development, Script Dictionary, Screen Dictionary, Screens
- Select BPOINET & BPOINET3 screens
- On the General tab where 501 is entered on the Details line in the Lines column, increase the value to a larger number to allow more records on the BP Net Settlement. (Maximum 32,267)
- Click Save.
- Click Validation.
- Kill session by doing logout from application.
- Log-in and check message does not occur again, error got fixed now.
Hence by following the above steps, we can solve the Error: “MRK(501): Index Incorrect” in Sage X3.