Tag Archives: sequence

How to solve “No Current record” error while posting the Purchase Invoice

Recently there was an issue while posting the purchase invoice in Sage X3, where system was giving a pop up message “No current record found“. All the taxes and other configuration were right still while positing any purchase invoice, it was giving an error as shown in the below screenshot. New Stuff: Formatting of text… Read More »

Generate Sequence Number Through code

More often than not we may want to generate the sequence code for custom objects or entries. In this blog, we are going to explore the useful functionality of generating the sequence number through code. First of all, we need to define the Sequence Structure: The sequence number is generated by the subprogram NUMERO. Following… Read More »

Control Document Numbering in Sage Enterprise Management (Sage X3)

Each sequence number counter is identified by an alphanumeric code. Once you have defined the structure of your sequence numbers you use the sequence number Assignment function to assign the sequence number to a specific type of document. Ever wondered what determines the Document number of a transaction in Sage X3 and how you can… Read More »