Tag Archives: Optional Fields

Validation of E Invoice optional fields on OE Credit\Debit note screen

As you know, Sage 300 ERP provides a solution for filing e-invoices with a single click, significantly reducing the effort needed for manual invoice filing. For more information about e-invoicing in Sage 300 ERP, please visit E-Invoicing in Sage 300 ERP. For e-invoicing through Sage 300, configuring optional fields is necessary. One of our clients… Read More »

Various Types of Optional Fields in Sage 300 ERP

Sage 300 ERP provides one very useful feature of Optional Field by which one can add/capture additional information in the system. To create the optional fields’ one can navigate through: Common Services -> Optional Fields When one opens the Optional fields’ screen, one is able to see multiple types of optional fields that can be… Read More »

Copy optional fields value on the Order Entry detail line

Many a times, we come across a scenario where we have to assign an optional field on the transaction detail and at the time of data entry, most of the detail lines contains the same optional field’s value , and hence, the Sage 300 user might find it tedious to input the same optional field… Read More »

How to filter finder based on optional fields

In our previous blog, on Optional field we had discussed about the feature ‘Validate’ and ‘Allow blank’. https://www.greytrix.com/blogs/sageaccpacerp/2014/04/26/validate-optional-field-in-sage-300-erp/ In this blog, we will discuss about ability of the finder to filter based on the optional field data. The New Stuff : Print picking slip after creation of OE Invoice in Sage 300 Sage 300 ERP… Read More »

Populate Items on Order Entry Screen using Template Code

In our earlier blog, we had discussed about the standard Template Code feature available in Sage 300 Order Entry. https://www.greytrix.com/blogs/sageaccpacerp/2014/02/18/template-feature-for-order-entry-in-sage-300-erp/ In addition to the standard fields, we have enhanced the template code feature, where, we have customized and added an additional functionality to auto – populate order detail items on the selection of the Template… Read More »

Custom Fields for Bills of Material in Sage 300 ERP

In the absence of Optional Fields for Bills of Material; we have designed an enhancement for Sage 300 ERP; which offers additional custom fields at the component (detail) level. We have added 10 custom fields at the component detail level. These fields are available while setting up Bills of Material from I/C Bills of Material… Read More »

Transactional Analysis And Optional Fields In Sage 300 ERP

In addition to numerous ways that Sage 300 ERP provides to customize your business solution, there is one more mechanism which contributes to its flexibility and that is through Optional Fields. And, this Optional field form will be available to you if you install Transaction Analysis and Optional Field module .This module allows a user… Read More »