Tag Archives: graphical query tool

Adjusting the Number of Displayed Lines in the View Queries Screen

In the Reports module of Sage X3, there is a View Queries screen that enables users to search predefined data collections on screen. This functionality utilizes a graphical query tool designer, which is responsible for designing queries based on the SQL language. The graphical query tool designer includes a function to create screens that display… Read More »

Creation of Bar Charts and adding it to Dashboard

In industries Dashboard plays a very important role for users which provides summarized data of organizations, transactions and masters. Sage X3 has features to show dashboard data into graphical charts like bar chart, Pie chart, line chart & different types of chart. One of our clients has a requirement to represent the data on the… Read More »

Sage X3 Dashboard: Sales by Product Category

In industries, Dashboard plays a very important role for users which provides summarized data of organizations, transactions, and masters. Likewise, we received a requirement to create a dashboard that provides sales amounts by product category. For that requirement, we were requested to display the top 10 greater amounts of sales by category, and then at… Read More »