This function is used to record the customer returns following a delivery or a supplier return in the case of inter-site or inter-company transfers.
Once the return is carried out, the stock will be moved if necessary and it will be possible to print a return note and if required to enter a credit memo using the appropriate function.
If the Update order is set to No, the order has not been invoiced , and the order was shipped in full, the line on the order will remain closed and a new delivery cannot be processed for that product.

If the update order is set as Yes in customer return and order has been invoiced yet then sales order will change to Pending status.

If we select the stock as Yes then it will affect Stock on creation of customer return by returning quantity and if it’s No used if the product is damaged and no need to send it back to stock and, in this case, it will not affect the Stock and will not be tracked in inventory.
If the sales delivery was invoiced, the Update order will default to No and it cannot be changed to Yes, the Update stock can be Yes or No and the Credit memo field is enabled for selection.
Hence with these steps user can ship product again after creating it’s customer return.