Tag Archives: Automatic Journal

Why do the journal entries not get created automatically?

The ERP comprises multiple modules that link inventory accounts effects in a single process. In this blog, we will address the problem we are having with journal entry creation. Initially, we create a sales order in X3 when we receive an order, then we move on to creating a sales invoice for the accounting effect.… Read More »

Data flow from Purchase invoice screen to Journal entry on via AP/AR Payment Posting using Automatic Journal

In our last blog, we see how to flow date from payment screen to Journal entry using auto journal. In this, we’ll see how we can flow data from Purchase invoice to journal entry while posting payment. The “Supplier doc. no.” field present on Management tab in Purchase invoice screen for the invoice entries linked… Read More »

Data flow from Payment screen to Journal entry on Posting using Automatic Journal

In Sage X3, Users can create Payments based on Purchase invoices and can see specific data being flowed from invoice screens to the respective payment screens. But what if the user wants specific data to be flowed from Payment to the Journal entry during posting of the payment. In this blog, we’ll see how to… Read More »

How To Solve ‘Non-Existent Account’ Error While Posting a Sales Invoice

A sales invoice is an accounting document that records a business transaction. Sales invoices provide the business with a record of the services they’ve provided to a customer. When you post an invoice or credit note, the value of each invoice line posts to the nominal account specified for the item. But sometimes we get errors while posting sales invoices due… Read More »