Tag Archives: validation

Is it possible to delete a pick ticket after a validated sales delivery is deleted?

In Sage X3, the pick ticket functionality is an essential part of the sales order fulfillment process. A pick ticket is a document generated by the system that instructs warehouse personnel on which items to pick from inventory to fulfill a customer’s order before they are shipped to the customers. After creating a sales order,… Read More »

Gross Price logic in Sales and Purchase Order Transactions

In Sage X3, we have the option to manually enter price in the detail line as required while creating any transaction. However, one of our clients wanted to add a validation on “Gross Price” field in Sales and Purchase Order Transactions based on Price Lists.Here, user will enter supplier and product combination with price in… Read More »

Tracking Validation to check proportion of raw material has been tracked or not

During the Production tracking process in Sage X3, it has been identified that there is a need for validation to ensure that the minimum corresponding amount of raw material has been tracked or consumed prior to initiating Production tracking for a specific work order. To tackle this issue effectively, we plan to customize the Production… Read More »

Sales Order Attachment Validation in Sage X3

Customizing attachment validation to restrict delivery, shipment and Invoice on Sage X3 involves defining specific rules and configurations within the system. In Sage X3, you can create these customizations using the SDK (Software Development Kit) and scripting capabilities. Customizing attachment validation on a sales order can be done in various ways, depending on the software… Read More »

How to assign multiple signatures on different objects in Sage X3

In Sage X3, you can assign multiple signatures in a workflow on different objects to implement a multi-level approval process. This allows for more complex and controlled workflows, where different users or groups need to review and approve various stages of a business process. Here’s a step-by-step description of how to assign multiple signatures in… Read More »

Validation on the Sales order screen if credit limit exceeds

In Sage X3, the maximum credit amount for the customer can be defined in the authorised credit field in the Customer master. There are 3 options available in the in Management tab in Customer master:-Check-No check-Hold With the help of these options we can easily manage the Credit limit of the customer.We had a requirement… Read More »

Duplicate PAN Number Validation on Customer Master in Sage X3

Sage X3 has master screens like Product master, Supplier master, Customer master etc.. where we can save information about object, means in product master we can save data about product, in supplier master we can save information about supplier like wise. So as per the client’s requirement, we have added PAN No field at customer… Read More »